Web links

A board you created in Polymer can be shared by clicking the Share button in the top right corner of a board.

Recipients of this link will only be able to view the board & won’t have edit access. If you’re interested in providing edit access, please check out our information on Workspace members

Share settings

There are a couple of share settings that can be configured when grabbing that link.

Privacy settings

Filter capabilities

Under the gear icon in the top right corner of the share modal, are two options for filtering:

Custom domains

Polymer currently doesn't support Custom Domains out of the box. If you need Custom Domain support you can easily replicate what we do for FlixgemSheetHacks and others.

To get started, you have to use Cloudflare as your domain name management service. If you are planning to use root domain for PolymerSearch app, create a root CNAME record to polymersearch.com. If you are planning to use a subdomain, create a CNAME record for the subdomain to polymersearch.com.

Next,  ****Go to Workers > Create a Service:
